About Sannai Maruyama Siteabout

Recommended routes

Our four recommended routes.

Select for your preference.


Course menu



Relaxed stroll(3 hours)


1. Jomon Theater (6 or 15 minute showings)

Guided site tour (50 minutes)

2. Stone Circles with Burials

3. South Mound

4. Reconstructed pit-dwellings

5. Remains of large pit-dwellings

6. Burial pits for adults

7. Pillar-supported buildings

8. North Valley

9. North Mound

10. Burial jars for children

11. Remains of a large pillar-supported building

12. Reconstructed large pillar-supported building

13. Reconstructed large pit-dwelling

14. Sanmaru Museum tour (20 minutes)

15. Jomon products workshop (30 to 120 minutes)



Standard (90 minutes)


1. Jomon Theater (6 or 15 minute showings)

Guided site tour (50 minutes)

2. Stone Circles with Burials

3. South Mound

4. Reconstructed pit-dwellings

5. Remains of large pit-dwellings

6. Burial pits for adults

7. Pillar-supported buildings

8. North Valley

9. North Mound

10. Burial jars for children

11. Remains of a large pillar-supported building

12. Reconstructed large pillar-supported building

13. Reconstructed large pit-dwelling

14. Sanmaru Museum (tour20 minutes)



Brisk walk (60 minutes)


1. Jomon Theater (6 or 15 minute showings)

Site tour (30 minutes)

3. South Mound

7. Pillar-supported buildings

10. Burial jars for children

11. Remains of a large pillar-supported building

12. Reconstructed large pillar-supported building

13. Reconstructed large pit-dwelling

14. Sanmaru Museum tour (20 minutes)



Quick visit (30 minute)


Site tour (10 minutes)

11. Remains of a large pillar-supported building

12. Reconstructed large pillar-supported building

13. Reconstructed large pit-dwelling

14. Sanmaru Museum tour20 minutes